Geographic Information Systems
Our Company has well qualified industry expertise to deliver Geospatial solutions and services especially in Land Information Systems, Utility, Telecom, Transportation, Geology and Engineering sectors.
Data Conversion:
Our Company can receive the inputs of various domains such as Cadastral maps, Utility Maps, Geology maps, and engineering or architectural drawing in paper or a scanned Image format. Our Company will digitize/convert these maps to digital format according to the technical specification provided by the client. Our Company offers and delivers the quality output in various formats such as DWG, DGN, SHP, and MDB etc., as per the client requirements.

Our Company will follow the international data creation standards along with defined project process methodology to ensure the quality of the deliverables.
Our Company offers the following Data Creation services:
- Parcel Maps Creation
- Utility Maps Creation
- Topographical and Geological Maps Creation

Data Migration:
The primary objective that must be dealt with includes translating data from one system to another, migrating applications, building or enhancing the intelligent data model and migrating to a new user interface. Migrating data involves file reformatting, changing linkages to database management systems, redefining data models and many other critical success factors. For organizations migrating from older “dumb” mapping systems to intelligent GIS products, the effort also involves adding new database elements and the connectivity or topology needed to intelligently model facility networks. For those wishing to bring greater numbers of more casual users online or to standardize the look and feel of computer applications organization-wide, migration often requires movement to newer, Windows-like user interfaces.
Our Company offers:
- Migrating data from any GIS format to client required format
- Auto Desk to ESRI
- Bentley to ESRI
- Bentley to Small World etc.
Data migration also includes creating a seamless database and centralizing the database for further maintenance & updates.
Data Maintenance & Update
Our Company offers data update/maintenance service to Public and Private Agencies. Our GIS professionals are well versed with data maintenance technique and standard
Our Company is capable of performing spatial alignment and modifies/adds/removes the maps feature according to latest orthophotography to suit the client requirement.
The rapidly changing landscape has necessitated aggressive maintenance of many spatial data sets, particularly land records and the county’s base map.

Geo coding
Our Company offers services to develop street address database for various federal and private agencies. Our Company is having the expertise to handle the large volumes of addresses and capable of developing custom geo-coding engines to handle complex datasets

Spatial Analysis & modeling
Our knowledge and expertise in spatial data stem from supporting land surveying and engineering, integrating Land Information with projects and related data. In addition to looking after the various data systems, Our Company have an in-house capability to design and build bespoke software where existing solutions don’t exist.
Our Company Information Services Team extend the capabilities of our technology-based company, continually researching and evaluating new technologies, so that most appropriate methods and tools are used.
Our Company provides data collection and mapping services. The development of web-based GIS enables you to access real-time spatial information via the internet. We are able to deliver spatial data via applications and web services securely, customized (where necessary) to fit your requirements.
Spatial Statistics
Based on customer/project requirement, Our team is capable of performing various types of analyses and modeling of GIS data sets such as:
- Network analysis for telecommunication, power distribution, water supply, sewerage lines, and other pipelines.
- Spatial analysis using multi-layer datasets – typically involving topographic layer, land use layer, drainage layer, geological layer, demographic layer, etc.
- 3D modeling and surface analysis including generation of Digital Elevation Model and Digital Surface Model.
Location Analytic
- Retail Business: Combining location data with existing customer data such as preferences, past purchases, and online behavioral data, will help companies gain a more complete understanding of customer needs, wants and behaviors than what they achieve from online data. It is being used by venue owners from retail to airports to education to amusement parks to help them in all aspects of their business including Design, Marketing, Operations, Strategy, etc.
- Government: Location-based statistical reports are being used by government bodies for the implementation of development plans, location-aware emergency teams like Fire, Police, and Enforcement with a quick response plan.
- Transport: Model and forecast cargo transportation and travel demand, analyze and prepare a development plan, identification of commercial, business, noise zones for the benefit of the school, healthcare institutions, etc.

- Healthcare: Location Analytics is being used for the identification of chronic illness, pandemic, endemic, epidemic illness pattern, identification of location wise age group pattern and align healthcare services, identification of community-based diseases for alignment of healthcare provisions.
- Power Utilities: Location data analysis helps power transmission and distribution installations to facilitate quick maintenance and replacement. It facilitates integration with the HRSI, topography, climate, settlement data for planning of power line alignment and map-based power distribution management.
- Insurance: It is of great assistance for identifying the relationship between geography and hazard risk vulnerability, new opportunity, risk analysis, case pattern, situation analysis, etc.
- Finance and Banking: Banking institutions can gather crucial data like customer loyalty, geographic fraud pattern, customer base, product segmentation, etc to help them in their business growth.

Network Analysis
GIS can be a great planning and decision making tool for telecom & Gas industries. Our Company enables wireless telecommunication & Gas organizations to incorporate geographic data into the complex network design, planning, optimization, maintenance, and activities. This technology allows telecom to enhance a variety of application like engineering application, customer relationship management, and location-based services.
Web Mapping
Solutions range from Our Company hosting your data, building and hosting the map services as well as the front end web map application like Hunt CAD’s Interactive GIS Web map or we can design and implement a system for you in-house. With both of these solutions, we can also integrate ArcGIS Online. While Our Company does have some standard core offerings, some customization is available and we strive to ensure your satisfaction and make sure that your business needs align with system functionality. Give us a call if you would like to explore the possibility of having a robust web mapping application for your organization.
CAD Drafting
Our Company offers a wide range of Engineering Drawing conversion and drafting services, starting from raster to digital data conversion to drafting bureau services wherein Teams at Our Company works just like an extended arm to the architects, engineers, and planners. Our Company has extensive domain knowledge in Civil, Structural, MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) and Architecture verticals and employs SMEs to better understand the scope of the work and to ensure the quality.
- Legacy Drawing conversion from Paper format to Digital Format
- Data Migration from One data format to another format
- CAD Drafting and detailing services for various Engineering disciplines
- CAD Bureau Services