Non-Voice Services

A document or application is considered accessible if meets certain technical criteria and can be used by people with disabilities. This includes access by people who are mobility impaired, blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, or who have cognitive impairments. Accessibility features in Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader and in the Portable Document Format (PDF) make it easier for people with disabilities to use PDF documents and forms, with and without the aid of assistive technology software and devices such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, text-to-speech software, speech recognition software, alternative input devices.

Digitization (IFHRMS)

IFHRMS - Integrated Financial Management and Human resource Management System Government of Tamil Nadu has initiated the implementation of the Integrated Financial Management and Human resource Management System (IFHRMS) project, which is a tool to provide long term solution for carrying out the functions of Department of Finance, Treasury and other Departments. This System tracks the financial activities and integrates Human Resource Management System which automates generation and submission of pay bills, pension management, sanction of loans to employees and recoveries thereof, maintenance of service record.

XML Conversion PDF To JATS

The process and method of converting data from a particular format into an XML format is called XML conversion. XML conversion makes data more user friendly, highly reusable, and presentable; it also enables a better and well-organized information-delivery system. Formats such as Text, Doc, Access, PDF, HTML, XHTML, SGML, and Excel can be converted into XML.
JATS was originally constructed for interchanging journal articles, providing interoperability of article content and article metadata among publishers and archives. In the early days, it was expected that publishers, hosters, portals, and archives would use their own XML tag set internally, and transform into JATS XML when they wanted to exchange information with each other, put information into a combined repository, sell/display items on the same hosting platform, and/or share the development of tools and resources for common use.

EPub Conversion

Technological advancement has led to the rise of ePub conversion services. People, today, are keen to reduce paperwork and wish to maintain all documents in the form of digital data and ePub is the most effective choice. The ePub conversion has facilitated easy downloading and accessing documents on digital devices. All the ePub documents require an expert and experienced professional to deliver the best result. ePub conversion can be tricky if not handled well. It is essential to know the right graphics to use, fonts, formatting as well as accurate conversion. It is not just about placing graphs, text, images, charts and tables in order but e-publishers should have in-depth knowledge and experience in computing and high understanding of digital publishing. Our EPub conversion services are:
• PDF to ePub
• MS Word to ePub
• PPT to ePub
• InDesign to ePub
• Printed books to ePub
• Fixed Layout ePub

Our Experiences

Solar Avatar Process
US Based
Semi Voice Process
Data Conversion
PDF to HTML Conversion
Insurance Form Filling
US Based
Data Entry
Data Conversion
PDF Accessibility
Wipro Project
Data Entry
Out Bound Voice Process
US Based
Voice Process